Welcome to my collection of wisdom, shared perspective, research, and inspiration!
A home where we can get curious and learn together about yoga, health, and wellness.
Making Space
"Like our noticing, like our trust in the support of the ground,like our breath,releasing tension is not something we do.It's something we...
Serenity: Calming Oil
I really enjoy doTERRA's calming blend known as, Serenity. I diffuse it at night and put it on the soles of my feet to help me relax and...
Favorite Yoga Books
I love books. I have loved reading since I was a little girl. My best childhood memories are of me reading in special places around the homes I...
Deep Blue Essential Oil
Deep Blue products by doTERRA have become one of my favorite products to use on my body for pain. It helps ease my muscle pain and tension in...
Deep Listening
"Welcome. Welcome your breath into your body. Welcome your mind onto your breath. Welcome your body into the room. Your breath is always...
Protective Blend: On-Guard
It's that time of year again when kids go back to school, the weather changes daily and we find ourselves with sniffles, a cough or just not...
Go Time!
Wow! I'm thrilled to introduce you all to my completely revamped website. It has been an amazing journey that provided me the opportunity to...
Invigorating Blend: Citrus Bliss
Citrus Bliss Invigorating Blend merges the benefits of citrus essential oils. We combine the powerful essences of Wild Orange, Lemon,...
Let Go & Be Happy
This phrase, "Let go and be happy" sounds simple, right? No. I know it's not. There are many samskaras (impressions from life experiences)...