Deep Listening

Welcome. Welcome your breath into your body. Welcome your mind onto your breath. Welcome your body into the room. Your breath is always welcoming you…When we feel welcomed, we show up more.” Jillian Pransky writes in her new book, Deep Listening: A Healing Practice to Calm Your Body, Clear Your Mind, and Open Your Heart.

Our attention is pulled in so many directions. I find myself bouncing back and forth between thinking of the day’s news, my laundry list of to-dos at home, what I want to teach in my next class, what I should make for dinner, what friend or family member have I not talked to in awhile, did I leave wet laundry in the washing machine, who’s birthday is coming up, and the list goes on and on…

This brings my mind into a state of anxiety. The feeling of so many things to do and not enough time. A worry that I won’t get it all done. I won’t achieve what I want to do. I will not be the business woman, friend, daughter, wife, mother I want to be. Ultimately, it is the feeling – I will not be enough.

But I am. I am enough.

When I sit for meditation and pause, I am reminded how perfect this moment is. It is the present moment. When I stay grounded in the present moment, my anxiety quiets and I feel content. I have a deep knowing that it is all going to be ok. My mind has been here before. I know this feeling will pass when I slow down and breathe. As Jillian reminds me, I can welcome my breath into my body and onto my mind. This will bring me into the present moment allowing me to focus on one task at a time. Enjoying what I am currently doing instead of worrying about what I still need to do.

A morning snuggle with a child, a sip of coffee in the morning, a quiet moment to sit in meditation ALL matter. They are a part of my life reminding me to slow down, pause and be present. Listen to what my mind and body are telling me.

You may be interested in this book as I am. Jillian offers many suggestions to listen deeply to our mind, body and breath through suggested yoga poses, journaling exercises, meditations and reflective questions to ponder and sit with. She invites us to pause, to rest, to listen and to heal.

I will share a variety of poems, meditations and questions to contemplate throughout the month of October offered in her book. Hope to see you on the mat to practice deep listening.