Deep Listening

“Welcome. Welcome your breath into your body. Welcome your mind onto your breath. Welcome your body into the room. Your breath is always welcoming you…When we feel welcomed, we show up more.” Jillian Pransky writes in her new book, Deep Listening: A...

Witnessing Mind

We are challenged when unpredictable (and sometimes unwanted) external events occur and change our personal goals or experiences.  The chatter in our mind can make a day which was going pretty smooth to one of pure disaster due to the inner dialogue inside our mind. ...

Deep Rest in Yogic Sleep

Yoga Nidra – Deep Rest in Yogic Sleep”Yoga Nidra” means “yogic sleep” and goes far beyond deep relaxation to a place of natural peace and quiet that is tremendously healing.  It is a power of awakening to who we are and it is more than...

The Power of Pranayama

Breath is essential to life. It is the first thing we do when we are born and the last thing we do when we leave. Pranayama is the fourth limb in Patanjali’s eight limb system of yoga. Yogic breathing is a fundamental practice in the study of yoga because...