
Today as we emerge into another new year, we are invited to reflect on the days past and be inspired by the days to come.  I know for me, this day is a day of self-care and awakening.  A time to be quiet and look within.  To reawaken what is already within me and know...

The Four Desires (aka-Gunas): Moving Toward Freedom!

The four purusharthas are yoga’s four aims or desires of life.  The purusharthas include dharma (purpose), artha (prosperity), kama (happiness and pleasure) and moksha (liberation or freedom).  Rod Stryker explains the purushartha to mean “for the purpose...

8-Limbs of Yoga: Pratyahara (World of Silence)

The fifth limb of yoga is called pratyahara and is defined as “the conscious withdrawal of energy from the senses.” Almost without exception yoga students are puzzled by this limb. We seem to inherently understand the basic ethical teachings like satya...

Understanding Life Force: Prana Vayus

According to yoga tradition, there are five currents of vital force (prana) that flow through our body.  They are called the prana vayus.  Prana means “life force” or “vital energy” and vayu means “wind” or “direction of...

The Power of Pranayama

Breath is essential to life. It is the first thing we do when we are born and the last thing we do when we leave. Pranayama is the fourth limb in Patanjali’s eight limb system of yoga. Yogic breathing is a fundamental practice in the study of yoga because...

The Power of Asana: sthira sukham asanam

The physical aspect of yoga is the third step on the path to freedom, and if we’re being honest, the word asana doesn’t refer to the ability to perform a hand stand or an aesthetically impressive backbend, it means ‘seat’—specifically the seat you would take for the...