by admin | Jun 1, 2018 | Oil of the Month, Wellness
Peppermint brings joy and buoyancy to the heart and soul. It invigorates body, mind and spirit and reminds individuals that life can be happy and there is nothing to fear. The power of peppermint can be felt most in times of discouragement or depressing. You can use...
by admin | May 2, 2018 | Oil of the Month, Wellness
Lemon is very uplifting and energizing and has been shown to help improve mood. It is the oil of focus. Lemon oil nourishes the mind and aids concentration. It is especially helpful for those with ADHD. The crisp scent of lemon oil improve’s one’s ability...
by admin | Apr 2, 2018 | Oil of the Month, Wellness
Lavender is one of my “go-to” daily oils. It is often considered a must-have oil to keep on hand at all times due to its versatile uses. I use it to help with:sleep at night by rubbing it on the bottoms of my feet and diffusing in the air. stress and...
by admin | Aug 1, 2017 | Celebrate, Joy & Happiness, Purpose, Resilience & Grace, Wellness
My summer of 2017 will be called, “my summer of fun!” It was my intention and goal to be present with my children and enjoy all there is to do in the summer. Annie is now three and does not need regular daily naps and Jack and Henry are at an age where...
by admin | Apr 1, 2017 | Joy & Happiness, Mindfulness & Meditation, Resilience & Grace, Wellness
It is another month and another great book has my attention. It is “The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World” His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu with Douglas Abrams. The authors share their wisdom and tips how to find...
by admin | Jan 1, 2017 | Anatomy/Body, Wellness, Yoga
Have you ever had a pain in your foot and later learned it was because your calf muscles were tight or experienced pain in your forearm due to tight knots (aka trigger points) in your upper back? These referred pains occur because everything in our body is...