I belong to a financial book club group lead by Triangle Financial Services. It has been a great asset to my business growth and development. I am exposed to books and concepts helping me move forward as a small business owner. The latest book recommended to me is, “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less” by Greg McKeown. It is hitting me right in the gut and bringing to life my undisciplined habits.
I am grateful for this book because of the time I am taking to pause, reflect and create space to discern and think about what is important to me and my business. What do I want to be known for? What am I an expert at? What does Mary McCarthy, LLC represent? Why would you call me?
Over the past five years I have explored many options. To be honest, I am still exploring. Since leaving my corporate position, I have said yes to many requests (i.e., group classes, workshops, kids yoga, doTERRA essential oils, personal training, public speaking, corporate wellness consultant, national conference planning). Why? It feels good. I can do it. I enjoy people. I love the variety. Wellness is holistic and many aspects fall under the umbrella. And then more of the truth...I have a hard time saying no. I don’t want to disappoint people. I don’t want to be forgotten. I don’t want to fail as a small business owner.
In fact, when I re-branded my company, I didn’t want to call it “Yoga by Mary.” I felt that limited me and my abilities. I didn’t want to only be known for teaching yoga. This is why my website is www.mary-mccarthy.com It allows for growth and variety.
Now that I am reading this book, I am reminded of my nonessentialist thinking. Thoughts that run through my mind = “It’s all important” & “How can I fit it all in?”
What I do = “Says ‘yes’ to people without really thinking” & “Reacts to what’s more pressing.”
What I get = “Takes on too much, and work suffers” & ” Feels out of control” & “Is unsure of whether the right things got done” & “Feels overwhelmed and exhausted.”
The ugly truth – I am needing to have more of an essentialist mind.
Thinks = “Less is better.”
Does = “The disciplined pursuit of less.”
Gets = “Lives a life that really matters.”
What does this really look like? I don’t know. But I know I am on an amazing journey to pause, prioritize, and listen to what really brings me joy. Thanks for joining me. I will continue to share and be honest with you so you can share and be honest with yourself and those you love.