What can we do to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease or age-related cognitive decline? While there is no cure, there is growing evidence that a healthy lifestyle can delay, slow, or even prevent Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
6-week Group Health Coaching
In a small group (8-10 people), we’ll use a health coach approach* to “maintain your brain.” You’ll learn about accessible lifestyle choices that help delay or prevent brain degeneration and promote healthy minds. We will explore healthy living choices related to nutrition, exercise, sleep, social connection, cognitive stimulation and stress resilience.
Class Modules
What is Alzheimer’s/Goal setting Nutrition – MIND diet Exercise/Yoga/Meditation Sleep Social Connection/Cognitive Stimulation Other Risk Factors – Metabolic Syndrome
Susan Skinner, Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, NBC-HWC
Mary McCarthy, MPH, RYT-500
Michelle Huencke, RN, CNWC, CPT
Susie Roberts, MS, RDN, LD
May 12 – June 16, 2020
Tuesdays, 3:15-4:45 p.m.
$95 – http://www.WellMindWays.com
Or email Susan Skinner at Wellmindways@gmail.com
*Small group health coaching uses the power of peer support, positive psychology, mind/body practices and character strengths to set achievable goals for permanent lifestyle change. Together we’ll nurture the best brain for optimum health and well-being.